A meeting between the Marine and Environmental Consulting Office and the Basra Delta East Contracting and Engineering Project Management Company. BDE Co



The Marine and Environmental Consultation Office, represented by the Office Director, M.D., held a contract. Raghad Shubar Jaafar and M.D. Abdul Amir Rahim Jassim and his partner, Basra Delta East Contracting and Engineering Project Management Company, BDE Co., represented by engineer Majid Hamid Shindi, an extensive meeting with the head of the Reconstruction and Development Committee, engineer Sarah Dhafer Al-Husseini, in the latter’s office. 

 During the meeting, the consulting office and its partner were introduced and the scientific and advisory services it can provide in various scientific aspects that are in the interest of the country. The meeting culminated in engineer Sarah Al-Husseini’s support for the consulting office and the University of Basra and the request to utilize the scientific capabilities available at the university.

 Media of the Marine Sciences Center