Vision, Mission and Objective Sediments

The Vision of the department: The Department studies the geological disciplines related to the marine environment, which include hydrological, sedimentary, and geotechnical disciplines, and the performing of geophysical surveys of marine waters and inland water bodies.


 The Mission of the Department: Developing scientific knowledge and qualifications through increasing the link with local and international scientific institutions that share the same goals, providing consultations and scientific services to community institutions, and working according to the principle of teamwork with the aim of integrating aspects of scientific research. Using advanced methods and modern techniques to keep pace with the scientific progress globally in measurements, field surveys, and laboratory analyses.


 The Objectives of the Department: (1) Conducting topographical, bathymetric, geotechnical, and geophysical surveys and studies related to the environment of the Arabian Gulf and inland water bodies. (2) Studying sedimentary plain sediments, including the study of sedimentary and mineral aspects, properties of sediments, seabeds, their chemical and physical formations, environmental properties, and their relationship to fresh and marine waters. (3) Focusing on economic feasibility studies for investing in water resources, mineral and hydrocarbon resources, and seabed sediments. (4) Consulting and finding solutions to the urgent issues of the scientific phenomena currently happing in the region, such as water scarcity and deterioration in quality (including surface and groundwater), instability of the riverine and coastal shoreline, and maritime borders due to erosion and sedimentation processes causing deterioration (loosing) of surrounding lands.