مركز العلوم المتعددة يشارك في الندوة العلمية لجامعة النهرين



Media of the Marine Sciences Center
The Director General of the Marine Sciences Center, Professor Dr. Shaker Ghaleb Ajeel, participated in the scientific symposium (Research Centers... Reality and Ambition), under the slogan (Together to Advance Research Reality). Established by the Biotechnology Research Center/Al-Nahrain University, which aims to present the obstacles and challenges facing research centers and discuss their concerns to reach fruitful solutions for a better research future.
Through the Center Director’s participation in a presentation about the Center for Marine Sciences, research leadership, and future aspirations, he pointed out that scientific research is one of the pillars of progress and development for countries, and that most developed countries specify a percentage of their annual budgets for research centers in their various specializations, and this reflects the reality of those countries in their scientific progress and development. Technology, creating a sustainable environment, and finding solutions and interpretations of natural phenomena to serve their people towards advancement and well-being. Following advanced and modern scientific methods in scientific research is an effective tool to keep pace with the rapid scientific development in today’s world.
He also pointed out ways to develop scientific research, how to pay attention to pioneering projects, how to prepare infrastructure and specialized laboratories, in addition to providing an experienced scientific staff and encouraging support for scientific publishing in reputable journals. At the end of the symposium, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the participants