Media Science Science searched a scientific study at the University of Basrah prepared by Mr. Ali Isa Taha Mohammed and Al-Madad Madaj Bani Techric in the Marine Center, which was published in the Cat Zootaxa and the distance of the DotaLaCo-Qat Roundabouts QUB Recipes of the Division Puzi, Fanustula Pooche, 1926 (Digenea Microphloloidea) with a new five-new theme for accommodating species registered in previous studies on which new types or renamement has been named. A new revised keyboard was developed for Faustola species and a key to the residents registered within the Faustaloli family. This study is the product of international scientific cooperation with researchers from the natural history of the United States of America's Natural Life Department of Texas University and the Center for Seafood University of Basra University