Marine Science Center organizes a scientific lecture on shrimp farming methods


Marine sciences center

The Marine Sciences Center at the University of Basra organized a scientific lecture on shrimp farming, delivered by Dr. Tariq Hattab Yassin, a lecturer in the Marine Biology Department at the center.
The purpose of the lecture was to clarify
Methods of culturing shrimp, depending on the type of culture, and they are divided into: Single culture methods, which mean the cultivation of shrimp on their own, taking into account all their special conditions such as their preferences for heat, salinity, turbidity and others, and the result is one crop. Mixed culture methods, which mean the cultivation of several types of organisms in one place in order to increase production and its diversity.
 This takes into account the breeding of species that benefit from each other or those that do not affect one over the other during their presence in the same place... The traditional culture methods were clarified based on the density of culture, which in turn is divided into three types, which are expanded, semi-expanded and intensive, in addition to clarification The modern methods used in shrimp farming, which included the use of three methods: Biofloc, Aquaponic and Aquamimicry.