The two instructors in the Marine Sediment Department at the Marine Science Center, Dr. Wissam Razak Mutashar and assistant lecturer Zainab Abdel Redha Hamid, published a paper entitled



The two instructors in the Marine Sediment Department at the Marine Science Center, Dr. Wissam Razak Mutashar and assistant lecturer  Zainab Abdel Redha Hamid, published a paper entitled
The use of particle size distribution integrated with consistency limits for experimentally simulating fine grained sedimentary units

Use of granular size distribution with sediment texture limits to represent laboratory specific sedimentation units.
The study showed the possibility of producing or representing units of fine-grained sediments that are not available in the laboratory, through the process of laboratory mixing of types of existing sediments that were modeled from different regions of the Basra region in southern Iraq. The mixing process is carried out based on taking the total volume distribution curve ratios for more than one modeled sediment model, and mathematically mixing them to build a theoretical curve for a new volume distribution representing the sedimentary environment to be studied, then mixing the calculated proportions in the laboratory.

This method serves to build a sediment model of an environment required for study that may be available in difficult to access and model regions of the world. The study needs more work to be developed and improved to represent more diverse sediment units
 It is worth noting that the Arab Journal of Geosciences is one of the reputable scientific journals issued by the international publishing house Springer and classified in the Scopus global database in the second quarter of Q2, as well as classified in the Clarvet database.