In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
And say, Work, and God will see your work, and His Messenger, and the believers, and you will be brought back to the world of the unseen and the unseen.
Believe God Almighty
After relying on God and with the tremendous efforts of the teachers over the course of a year of hard work day and night and with ministerial support, the previous year has passed to start a new academic year that carries hope, strength and determination, and God willing, it will be better than the previous year, a year in which the achievements of the past year will be benefited from to complete its episodes, all the way to The ultimate goal of the educational process, a year in which all forces and energies combine to paint a bright picture of education whose goal is the student in the lesson, in the laboratory, and in the various scientific workshops. A year in which we hope and work hard that the lessons, teachers and students will be integrated into a comprehensive integrated educational system in which e-learning, which has proven successes, will strengthen the presence education, in order to establish a purposeful and successful vision for work. Creativity by highlighting scientific and practical excellence and adopting talents in various literary, artistic and sports fields, providing the ground and climate for their growth and development. A directed and effective message to empower and develop young generations by arming them with knowledge and its types and nurturing creative ideas to build bridges of cooperation, not only at the university level, but also in its surroundings to be the focus of creativity and dedicated work.. and from God success and payment…
Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi
President of Basra University