Marine sciences center
A scientific study was researched at the University of Basra, prepared by Dr. Amal Ghazi Yasser, Dr. Nada Mufid Al-Baghdadi, and Dr. Mortada Debej Nasser, the two teaching staff at the Marine Science Center, entitled ASSESSMENT OF ACUTE TOXICITY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY OF THE ENDOSULFAN IN ERIOCHEIR HEPUENSIS DAI, 1991 (CRUSTACEA: BRACHYURA: BRACHYURA)
Which was published in the magazine
Pollution Research - EM International Pune India
The negative impact of the use of endosulfan on the environment and on cancer Eriocheir hepuensis (Dai)
The 96-h LC value of endosulfan in crab was 55.15 μg/L. With increasing concentration of toxicants and exposure time, exposed crab exhibited restlessness and flight behavior, and increased scavengerathite activity. A study of exposure to above semi-lethal was conducted for a period of one and two weeks at 1/8 of LC 50 to 96 hours,
In addition to studying the gill tissue, as some changes occurred in it
Hypertrophy (HY), lamellar collapse (CL), and two weeks later exposure led to columnar cell rupture (RCP)